格尔夫波特就预先安排的重组计划签订重组支持协议,以减少约1美元的债务.25 Billion and Significantly Improve its Cost Structure

Commences Voluntary Chapter 11 Process to Implement Financial Restructuring

Obtains Commitment for $105 Million in New Money Debtor-In-Possession Financing to Support Continued Ordinary Course Operations, Including Payments for Wages and Benefits, Vendors and Suppliers

OKLAHOMA CITY, Nov. 14, 2020年(环球新闻专线)——新葡京(纳斯达克股票代码:GPOR)(以下简称“公司”)及其全资子公司, (“Gulfport”)今天宣布,该公司已与95%以上的循环信贷安排贷方和某些票据持有人签订了重组支持协议(“RSA”),这些债权人持有其优先无担保票据的未偿还本金总额超过三分之二.  RSA附带了一项“预先谈判”的重组计划(“计划”),该计划将加强格尔夫波特的资产负债表, significantly reduce its funded debt, and lower ongoing operational costs.  Pursuant to the RSA and the Plan, Gulfport expects to eliminate approximately $1.25 billion in funded debt and significantly reduce annual cash interest expense going forward.  Gulfport还将根据该计划向某些Gulfport子公司的现有无担保债权人发行5.5亿美元新的优先无担保票据.  Gulfport的某些票据持有人已承诺以可转换优先股的形式支持至少5000万美元的新资金投资. RSA旨在让格尔夫波特尽可能迅速地完成重组过程.

To implement the restructuring contemplated by the RSA and the Plan, Gulfport已根据《新葡京是》第11章向美国德克萨斯州南区破产法院(以下简称“法院”)提交了自愿救济申请。. Gulfport intends to use the proceedings to strengthen its balance sheet, restructure certain debt obligations, significantly reduce its midstream cost structure, and achieve a more sustainable capital structure. 格尔夫波特计划在重组过程中继续正常经营.

Gulfport also announced that it has secured $262.根据其循环信贷安排,向格尔夫波特现有贷方提供了500万美元的债务人持有(DIP)融资, including $105 million in new money that will be available upon Court approval. 此次融资旨在为格尔夫波特在破产法第11章程序期间的日常运营提供资金, including employee wages and benefits and payments to suppliers and vendors. Gulfport还获得了现有债权人的承诺,在脱离第11章后提供5.8亿美元的退出融资.

David M. Wood, President and Chief Executive Officer of Gulfport Energy, stated, “Since Gulfport’s leadership team was reconstituted in 2019, we have taken decisive actions to streamline our business, strengthen our balance sheet, focus on cash flow generation, exercise capital discipline, and drive operational efficiencies and cost reductions across the Company. Despite these efforts, 在当前的赌球app下载环境下,我们巨大的遗留债务负担和重大的遗留公司运输承诺创造了一个不可持续的资产负债表和成本结构. After working diligently to explore all strategic and financial options available, Gulfport董事会认为,启动破产程序符合公司及其利益相关者的最佳利益.”

Mr. Wood continued, “我们希望以低于两倍的杠杆率退出第11章流程,并在此后迅速交付,因为传统公司运输承诺和成本的减少大大改善了成本结构. 这些改进将显著新葡京提高我们为股东创造现金流和价值的能力.”

Mr. Wood continued, “I want to thank our creditors, financing partners and other stakeholders for their support. 我们也非常感谢我们敬业的员工的辛勤工作,以及他们对彼此和我们宝贵的商业伙伴的承诺. 我们希望快速有效地完成重组过程,并成为一个更强大的公司,为未来的成功做好准备.”

To ensure its ability to continue operating in the ordinary course of business, Gulfport has filed customary “first day” motions with the Court seeking a variety of relief, 包括根据申请前惯例维持运作和支付某些申请前索赔的权力, among other things, employee wages and benefits, royalties, and certain vendor and suppliers obligations.

Additional information regarding Gulfport’s chapter 11 filing will be available at xmail.gsmqg.net/restructuring. Court filings and information about the claims process are available at http://dm.epiq11.com/Gulfport. Questions should be directed to the Company’s claims agent by email to GulfportInfo@epiqglobal.com or by phone at (888) 905-0409 (toll free) or +1 (503) 597-7687 (international).

Kirkland & Ellis LLP and Jackson Walker L.L.P. are serving as legal co-counsel, Perella Weinberg Partners and its affiliate, Tudor Pickering Holt & Co. are serving as financial advisors, and Alvarez & Marsal is serving as restructuring advisor to the Company.

About Gulfport
Gulfport Energy is an independent returns-oriented, gas-weighted, 勘探和开发公司,新葡京是美国最大的天然气生产商之一. Headquartered in Oklahoma City, Gulfport在俄亥俄州东部的Utica页岩和俄克拉何马州的SCOOP Woodford和SCOOP Springer区块占有重要的面积. Gulfport has 259 employees.

Forward-Looking Statements
本新闻稿包括“前瞻性陈述”,以1995年《新葡京》的安全港条款为目的, Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Forward-looking statements are statements other than statements of historical fact. They include statements regarding: (i) the effect of the Chapter 11 reorganization and sufficiency of the financing package; (ii) Gulfport’s ability to continue implementing operating efficiencies and technical developments; and (iii) Gulfport’s ability to capitalize on the reorganization and emerge as a stronger and more competitive enterprise. 虽然格尔夫波特相信前瞻性陈述中反映的期望和预测新葡京是合理的, Gulfport can give no assurance they will prove to have been correct. 它们可能受到不准确或改变的假设或已知或未知的风险和不确定性的影响. Important risks, 假设和其他可能导致未来结果与前瞻性陈述中表达的重大差异的重要因素在截至12月31日的Gulfport 10-K表格年度报告第1A项“风险因素”中进行了描述, 以及格尔夫波特随后的10-Q表季度报告或8-K表当前报告(可在http://www上获得)中对这些因素的任何更新.ir.gsmqg.net/all-sec-filings). 格尔夫波特没有义务公开发布对任何前瞻性陈述的任何修订, to report events or to report the occurrence of unanticipated events.

Investor Contact
Jessica Antle – Director, Investor Relations

Media Contact
Hugh Burns / Paul Caminiti / Nicholas Leasure

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Source: Gulfport Energy Corporation