EX-10.2 .要求保密处理

修正案没有. 2 TO

本修正案编号. 主服务协议(本协议)修正案”) is entered into effective as of July 1st, 2018 by 和 between Gulfport Energy Corporation (the “公司)和Stingray Pressure Pumping LLC(“承包商”).
而, 公司 和 承包商 are parties to that certain Master Service 协议 dated December 3, 2012, 于10月1日首次修订和重述, 2014 (the)协议”); 和
而, 公司 和 承包商 desire to enter into this 修正案 in order to permit 承包商 和/or its affiliates to continue to provide Services to the 公司 under the 协议.
现在, 因此, 为了好的和有价值的考虑, 特此确认其收讫和充分性, 订约公司和承包商约定如下:
1.定义. 除非本修正案另有规定, capitalized terms used herein have the meaning ascribed to them in the 协议.
2.    服务区域. 本协议序言C经修订和重述如下:
“C.    公司 desires to retain 承包商 to provide the Services in the states of Ohio 和/or Oklahoma (the “服务区域”).”
3.    Term of 协议; Suspension; Resumption. Section 1 of the 协议 is hereby amended to extend the Term until December 31, 2021 unless earlier terminated in accordance with the 协议; provided, 然而, 从10月1日开始, 2018, 公司 may order the suspension of such Services for up to one crew 和 only one crew at any point in time, by providing at least ninety (90) days prior written notice to 承包商 of such suspension. 服务暂停期间, 公司将无付款, 费, 或者其他与被停职船员有关的义务, which would otherwise be required under the 协议 or any 修正案 thereto. 根据本协议的规定, prior written notice for the suspension may be delivered prior to October 1, 2018年,最早可能在10月1日开始, 2018. Monthly Service Fees shall be paid to 承包商 pro-rata up until the later of (i) the day of the suspension of such Services or (ii) the expiration of the ninety (90) day notice period. 应公司要求,承包商应恢复为公司提供的服务, which must be provided with at least ninety (90) days prior written notice, 除非承包商放弃此类提前通知. 除非公司和承包商另有约定, any request by 公司 for the resumption of Services shall be for a minimum of forty-five (45) days. Monthly Service Fees shall be paid to 承包商 pro-rata beginning on the day that Services are resumed. 服务将被视为终止, 在服务暂停的情况下, on the day that the last piece of equipment arrives at 承包商’s facility, 和

1 The appearance of [*] denotes confidential information that has been omitted from this exhibit 和 filed separately with the Securities 和 Exchange Commission pursuant to a confidential treatment request under Rule 24b-2 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, 修订的.


EX-10.2 .要求保密处理

服务应视为开始, 在恢复服务的情况下, on the day that the first piece of equipment leaves 承包商’s facility.
不经受任何相反的事情, 从七月一日起, 2018年和9月30日, 2018 (an “Initial Suspension Period”) 公司 和 承包商 desire to suspend Services. 在初始暂停期间, (i) 承包商 shall not provide any Services for the suspended Frac Spread(s), 除“[*]”外, 根据本协议向公司提供, 和 (ii) 承包商 may use the Dedicated Frac Spread(s) for other customers but is under no obligation to do so. 承包商 agrees to utilize commercially reasonable efforts to use the Dedicated Frac Spread(s) for other customers during the Initial Suspension Period. If 承包商 is able to use the Dedicated Frac Spread(s) for other customers during the Initial Suspension Period, 公司不会对承包商承担任何义务, 只要[*]1. 在事件中[*]1 or 承包商 is unable to find customers to use the Dedicated Frac Spread(s) during the Initial Suspension Period, 承包商向公司提供的服务金额为[*]1. In the event 承包商 is unable to utilize Dedicated Frac Spread(s) for other customers, 承包商和公司将推迟[*]1 (“补偿成本”)每个专用压裂铺位. 公司 和 承包商 agree that services will be performed 和 that the Recoupment Costs shall be recovered during the period of October 1, 2018年至12月31日, 2018年,按月等额发放, 这几项合计应等于赔偿费用. 公司 和 承包商 agree that Recoupment Costs represent 公司’s sole obligation to 承包商 during the Initial Suspension Period 和 are intended to satisfy any obligations for Service Fees, 本协议项下的可报销费用或其他要求.
4.    提供服务. 本协议第2(b)条经修订和重述如下:
“学期内”, 承包商 will dedicate up to two (2) frac spreads (each as more specifically described in 表现出一种,并与相关设备一起进行扩散,称为 “专用压裂铺位” 并统称为 “专用压裂铺位”),以便在服务区为公司提供服务. Each Dedicated Frac Spread will be available for the provision of Services commencing on the In-Service Date set forth with respect thereto on 表现出一种. 公司 shall use only 承包商’s Dedicated Frac Spreads for the first two (2) frac spreads in the 服务区域 utilized by the 公司. 七月一日以后, 2018, 公司 may re-designate individual well locations for 公司’s wells in the 服务区域 utilizing the Dedicated Frac Spreads. 与提供“服务”有关, 承包商 shall be responsible for 和 shall select 和 provide all necessary equipment 和 supplies for the performance of the Services except as specifically noted in this 协议 or the applicable Work Order to be provided by 公司 (the Dedicated Frac Spreads 和 equipment 和 supplies provided by 承包商, 包括其任何替代和替换, 被称为 “设备”). 承包商 may determine when 和 if any Equipment can be demobilized or if additional equipment is needed; provided that any changes to the Equipment will be done after consultation with 公司 和 any replacement equipment must be capable of providing the Services.
1 The appearance of [*] denotes confidential information that has been omitted from this exhibit 和 filed separately with the Securities 和 Exchange Commission pursuant to a confidential treatment request under Rule 24b-2 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, 修订的.


EX-10.2 .要求保密处理

公司 shall not have any right to restrict 承包商 from demobilizing or replacing any Equipment from a Site.”
5.    修改的效力. All other terms 和 conditions of the 协议 not modified by this 修正案 shall remain in full force 和 effect. 除非本修正案另有规定, 本协定被完整地批准和确认, 经此修订, 将继续约束公司, 承包商及其各自的继承人和受让人.
6.    同行. 本修正案可签署多份副本, 每一份均应构成一份正本文书, 但所有这些加在一起应构成同一修正案.


EX-10.2 .要求保密处理

以此为证, 公司 和 承包商 have entered into this 修正案 effective as of the date first set forth above.
By: /s/迈克尔·G. 摩尔_____
姓名:Michael G. 摩尔
标题:首席执行官 & 总统

By: /s/马克·莱顿_______

修正案没有. 2至主服务协议